Long-term and short-term business process outsourcing: Accounting and bookkeeping; Human resources and payroll administration; Purchasing processes; Document processing; Filing system, documenting services, archiving…
The specifications of the service, based on which the quality and entirety of the provided services are objectively evaluated, are defined in a Service Level Agreement (SLA). The reasons for customers’ very positive experiences with outsourcing can be found in a well-prepared SLA. When creating an SLA, it is ideal to focus on the customer’s business needs, recall again what the agreed goals of outsourcing are, and then set the specifications for these areas. Neglecting to establish the SLA specifications to the key services or establishing the specifications in a way so that it would be impossible to determine whether they were fulfilled is a risk.
SLA specifications are a very individual matter for each service. Contact us if you already use or are thinking of using outsourcing.